Post-production refers to everything that happened after our shoot day.

For the entire Post-production process, we used a software called Premiere Pro, by Adobe. This was what we used to edit together all of the footage we shot during our shooting day. It took us around a week to edit our sequence, whereby we began watching all of the footage back and putting the rushes we liked into specific bins depending on the character. By putting the rushes into specific bins this made putting our sequence together far easier for us. We then were able to cut the shots and edit them together in the order we wanted them to be.
Once our sequence flowed we were then able to look through the sound files. On the day of the shoot we used a Sennheiser shotgun microphone as well as the built in microphone on the camera, therefore we had to listen through the two audios and delete whichever one didnt necessarily catch the same audio. We then made sure that the audio we liked was on the left and right sides. Once the basic audio was completed we then looked at different sound effects available on the iMacs files, it was there that we found a gunshot sound effect as well as ambiente sounds of the forrest, by looking in already saved sounds on the computer we were able to use realistic sound effects that we knew wouldn't get copyrighted. Finally, we added various soundtracks, the first being an upbeat drum track which sets the scene of an intense chase, we found this on Adobe Stock, which is a free yet royalty free online website. The soundtrack then switches to a more mellow yet eerie piece of music that a peer of ours, Felix W, made for us, specifically for our sequence.
Once our audio matched our video, we then corrected the colourings of our sequence, on the day we did fix the white balance depending up on our forrest location, which meant that the colour composition didnt need a lot of fixing, although there were a few shots which needed either brightening or dimming in order to reflect the continuity of the filming.
Our final thing we did when editing was adding titles, we chose to only have 4 titles, as we didnt want to take the audiences focus away from the action in the sequence. Therefore we only had the titles of: The production company, the funding company, the director, and the title of the film. We used a random word generator as well as brainstorming random words within our group in order to come up with the names for our titles. Prior to filming we knew that we wanted to use the song "This is the Day" by The The, as we all agreed it would work well in a contrapuntal type of way, therefore we decided to title our film “This is the Day”. Additionally, we knew that we wanted a big, bold font for the title, so we looked through different fonts and chose one that we thought would look the best. We then changed the size of specific words in order to make other words appear more important. We decided to use yellow words on top of a black background in order to make it bolder and stand out as it will be the last thing the audience will see, as they are left almost on a cliffhanger.
Once we thought our opening title sequence was finished, we watched it through several times as a group and looked for anything we could fix, we then showed our peers and teachers once we thought it was fully finished, where it was then uploaded to YouTube.

During post production the online element was crucial, whereby we found our soundtrack on Adobe Stock meaning that it had no copy rights and we were able to upload it to YouTube, Adobe Stock offered a wide range of sound effects and soundtracks that were completely copy right free, meaning we were able to choose the soundtrack which we thought fitted our sequence best, hence why we chose a tense yet parallel soundtrack. Moreover, YouTube was a important as it was a platform we were able to upload our opening title sequence to in order to watch it as a group as well as showing it to peers.
Additionally, blogger was an important online application that allowed me to record the entire production processes, whereby I made blogs surrounding, pre-production, production and post-production, whereby I explained lots of the thought and research that went into our opening title sequence and how it paid off. Blogger allowed me to use the website almost as a note taking scheme, whereby I am now able to look back over my blog to see the development that was made within our narrative.

We edited our opening title sequence on an iMac, whereby we used Adobes Premiere pro as an editing software. We ended up editing the sequence over the course of a week, whereby we began by filtering through the clips we wanted to use and then on the last days we created titles. The iMac allowed us to save our progress onto the computer, which allowed us to revisit the editing at any time. Despite this, we did have a couple of issues with the Premiere Pro editing software, whereby it crashed a few times and deleted our progress, therefore by using command + S to save, if it did crash we didn't lose to much of our progress.